The British Diaries

A Papageno Update: How the Captain is faring and Crew!

A Papageno Update

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, and I’m keen to get back to it. Writing for me is a huge release and a bit of a therapy session, so I’m not too sure why I’ve been quiet for the past month.

I’ve been doing my best to organise things for Papageno, arranging her crew, looking at sailing courses, booking flights, sorting out arrangements for arrivals, transport to the airport and a wealth of other things that need looking at.

I can most safely say that we have the best crew ever.

I am so happy with the choices, that my heart surges every time I think of us enjoying this experience together. We have myself, Tommy, L.J and our latest crew mate, Jorn from Norway! Check him out here:

Then there’s one other person to meet.

It was so difficult choosing out of everyone, but the people who are going to join us in March have made us a pretty strong team.

I’ll be honest- the past few months have been full of ups and downs, but I have been consistently at peace and happy. Sometimes I’ve been frustrated, but most of the time I’ve been able to go with the flow. I go to bed, picturing Papageno and how it will be when we first arrive. Laughter in the taxi there, the “Oh shit, we have a lot to do!” when we board her, crying at the sight of her new masts and taking her off to an anchorage for the first time together to avoid marina fees and to enjoy the water! There will be a lot of hard graft, tired days, cold beers, sundowners on the beach, swimming, dancing, hangovers and exploring the different islands with Papageno’s reinstalled masts. As this will be her half a century on this earth, we are thinking of having a birthday party for her in Grenada, of which you will ALL be invited!

We are a crew of five, and Papageno is pretty much at full capacity. We have two in the back cabin, two in the lounge, and then there is little old me in the front cabin. My cabin can be switched into two smaller beds, but for now as there is no need to give up that extra room (of which I’m thankful), I’ll be enjoying my nest for a little longer. I worry about things like, will the crew be happy? Can I fulfil everyone’s dietary needs? Will everyone be able to get one with the small space? Oh no, there is only one toilet!

The criticism remains of course on whatever I do, so I have taken stronger with the view that our channel will be an absolutely zero tolerance for bullying and trolls. Anyone who doesn’t like the channel can unsubscribe and keep their negativity to themselves. Since I’ve made that decision I have felt so much better in not wasting that effort into talking to people determined to hate. I was always of an opinion that people were cruel down to ignorance, so didn’t mind taking the extra energy in actually explaining myself. But I realise that I don’t have to do that.

I will not waste my energy doing that.

This year of course there is a lot more pressure, I think. Or at least I feel that. I feel as though the responsibility is solely on my shoulders to see us all through, but maybe that isn’t the case. We will be having four experienced sailors on board, and decisions will be made as a group. Tommy is the only one who hasn’t sailed before and he will be coming with LJ and I to the Isle of Wight for an intense two day course covering as much as possible with LJ’s dad.

I want us all to be equals on the boat and I hope I can properly educate the others on the little unique quirks Papageno has.

It will be strange going back alone- and I mean in the sense of without Edouard, but I feel strong. I feel good. I feel ready.

I have 6 weeks left until we fly. Between now and then I am continuing to work on the shop so we have something to support us when we are over there, editing videos and of course commissions. We’ve finally been able to move our designs onto clothing, spreading out onto tees, swimsuits, dresses and household goods- so if you want to have a look at our new crew tees and designs- head to!

And where I have been slacking off this blog, I have actually been writing each day in a new book. I don’t know where it’s going exactly, but I’m excited to share it with you all. But I will be blogging a lot more in the weeks upcoming to Papageno to share with you plans on the new cabins, who will be where, introductions from the crew and other extras.

So, this is from me to you to let you all know that Papageno’s crew this year is strong, is FUN, probably a little crazy- but very informed, with a great mix of different talents.

I can’t wait for this adventure!

And I can’t wait to share it with YOU!

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  1. Lizbef,
    I just don’t know where you find the energy from and that’s a lot of work your taking on and has gone beyond multi-tasking. But I so admire that enthusiasm and desire to fulfil your dreams. I know how hard it is to intertwine differing personalities but I’m with you on those you have selected and I think you’ll have a blast and will get “Papageno” into shape.
    In any event I wish you ALL the very best of adventures and I will definitely be following your every step

  2. I am so so happy for you and your crew! It’s going to be a great year for you, I can feel it! and YOU made it happen

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